How long can I live of love and air?
Am I safe to explore new waters?

How long can I hang in there?
What do I needfor the extra mile?

Thoughts by a Woman Artist is a self-portrait series that delves into the ironic and often frustrating phrases directed at women* artists, alongside the introspective questions I repeatedly ask myself. With these portraits I pick up on my personal experience against the backdrop of societal expectations, revealing the often unspoken tensions that many women* photographers and artists face daily.
This project also comments on my own privilege of being able to create and having the resources, time, and platform to share this work — something that many artists, especially women*, are denied.
While it captures moments of humor, it also shines a light on the challenges women* artists face in being taken seriously, and the courage it takes to keep going and stay motivated in a deterring environment.
Thoughts by a Woman Artist aims to inspire other women* artists to persevere, and to continue creating despite the belittling comments, unsolicited advice, and dismissive attitudes they may encounter.
This series wants to celebrate the brilliance of women and wants to be a reminder to keep going, no matter what because each of our voices are important.