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I see you in me and me in you.

i see you in me and me in you. personal project, twin connection, the myth of twins

I have a twin sister. we are non identical. people are naturally curious - they want to know what it´s like to have one, they are curious to know if our relationship is special in a way. I don't know. what does it mean to have someone genetically so close to you? I questioned myself, so I started taking pictures of us, my sister and myself. I continued looking for that special connection in other siblings as well as close friends always searching to find answers on how to describe my very own relationship to my sister. 

this is the beginning of a longterm project. 

i see you in me and me in you. personal project, twin connection, the myth of twins

caro - amelie

i see you in me and me in you. personal project, twin connection, the myth of twins

rosa - charly

i see you in me and me in you. personal project, twin connection, the myth of twins

anna - lea

i see you in me and me in you. personal project, twin connection, the myth of twins

saadet - ipek

i see you in me and me in you. personal project, twin connection, the myth of twins

jana - jana

i see you in me and me in you. personal project, twin connection, the myth of twins

riki - lene

i see you in me and me in you. personal project, twin connection, the myth of twins

irene - toni

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